Water Sanitation And Hygiene

MWCF’s WASH Program is focused on Goal 6 of Sustainable Development- Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Globally, there is substantial progress made in increasing access to clean water and sanitation. However, it is also evident that 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, 3 billion people lack access to basic handwashing stations with soap, 4.2 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation, as about 673 million people are still practicing open defecation.

WASH is central to the proper growth and development of OVCs, and MWCF therefore, focuses on Safe water, improved sanitation, menstrual hygiene management for girls and hygiene promotion. Particularly, MWCF focuses on targets 6.1, 6.2, and 6.b of Goal 6 of Sustainable Development.

At implementation, MWCF explores the WASH interlinkages with Education, Health, Nutrition, and Environment. Thus, our focus areas are: WASH &; Health; WASH and Nutrition; WASH and Education and WASH and Environment. The following are the activities that we invite you to partner with us:

1. Provide and sustainably safe water supply systems for children in communities and schools. This encompasses supply, management and maintenance activities to ensure quality water and functionality of water systems. We believe that availability of safely available water services increases school enrollment, attendance, retention, healthy learning, and performance.

2. Implement community-based behavioral change and market-based sanitation approaches in rural communities and schools to end open defecation. MWCF plans to construct sanitation facilities for schools and families with vulnerable children. This will help to ensure that our children live in clean environments for quality life, disease prevention, reduced infant mortality and increased productivity.

3. To supply re-usable pads to vulnerable girls in under MWCF ministry. This is to be done alongside Menstrual Hygiene Management training of children break taboos associated with MHM in rural schools. 4. Develop and implement hand-washing practices using appropriate technologies that meet needs of the children under MWCF ministry while upholding inclusiveness and dignity.